Dams what are they?

Dams what are they?

CA Staff on 5th Aug 2021

Dental Dams

In the realm of sexual health, dental dams are an often overlooked but vital barrier for reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during oral sex. While not as widely known as condoms, dental dams serve as thin sheets made of latex or polyurethane, acting as a protective shield against STIs. This article focuses on the importance of dental dams in promoting safe sexual practices and emphasizes their relevance within an Australian context.

The Origins of Dental Dams: Dental dams were initially developed in response to the AIDS epidemic that emerged in the 1980s. Their primary purpose was to safeguard individuals engaging in oral sex from the transmission of HIV. Over time, the use of dental dams has expanded to include protection against other STIs transmitted through oral sex, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis.

How Dental Dams Work: Dental dams are easy to use and offer a range of sizes and flavors for a more pleasurable experience. When engaging in oral sex, the person performing it should hold the dental dam in place over their partner's genital area, ensuring comprehensive coverage. It is important to note that the dam should not be touched or moved during sexual activity. After use, the dental dam should be discarded, and a new one should be used for each sexual encounter to maintain optimal protection.

Varieties of Dental Dams: For individuals who are allergic to latex, non-latex dental dams are available as an alternative. These dams are typically made of polyurethane or other suitable materials and function similarly to latex dams. Regardless of the material, dental dams are designed to provide a reliable barrier against STIs, prioritizing your safety and sexual well-being.

Although dental dams are not as widely used as other forms of protection during oral sex, their effectiveness in reducing the risk of STIs should not be underestimated. By incorporating dental dams into your sexual protection strategy, you are taking a proactive step towards safeguarding yourself and your partner. Increased awareness, education, and accessibility of dental dams within Australia can contribute to a more informed and empowered approach to sexual health.

Dental dams serve as an essential tool for individuals engaging in oral sex, offering an additional layer of protection against STIs. Their ease of use, variety of flavors, and availability in both latex and non-latex options make them an engaging and practical solution for maintaining sexual health. By embracing dental dams as part of a comprehensive safe sex plan, we can foster a culture that prioritizes sexual well-being and reduces the spread of STIs in Australia.

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